Every month, EmperorA picks two loyal fans that have made noteworthy efforts to help the platform. For the month of August 2022, Jay and Christopher are the winners.
They both would be given opportunity to give a sneak peek about their private lives, and their views on different aspects of football.
We noticed Jay Crown had the “Top fan” badge on Facebook, for constantly liking and reacting to our Facebook posts. He’s also present in our WhatsApp community.
He’s a student at Olabisi Onabanjo University, studying Linguistics. Here’s the details of the interview carried out in his WhatsApp DM.

Full name: Jay Crown
Favorite club and why: FC Barcelona. I just love the club!
Most hated club and why: Manchester United. It’s a very stupid club.
Favourite player: Lionel Messi
Most hated player: Dele Alli. He looks unserious. A footballer with so much talent being traded around like that shows how lazy he is. I think Jose Mourinho said something about it too…
The club (s) you’re scared of the most: PSG and Bayern.
What changes will you make to your club if you’re in charge: I will not sell aubameyang ,de Jong and depay.
Messi or Ronaldo and why: Messi. He’s talented and it pays better than Ronaldo’s hard work. You can’t compare talent to hard work.
Which footballer will you pick as a role model? Kelvin De Bruyne. We share the same attributes because he’s right-footed and he’s tall. We share the same attributes. When it comes to personal lifestyle, I’ll pick Messi. He’s talented, well known and rich.

Can we ask personal questions? Yes
Personal Questions
What position are you in the family: last born, I’ve got two elder sisters.
How does it feel? It’s good, I get pampered, and I’m grown up. My siblings don’t ride me anymore.
How did you hear about EmperorA? A friend (Qudus). He just told me about the WhatsApp community, and asked me to join.
So what makes you support us this much? You’re doing a great job, and you’re putting so much effort into this. You deserve all the support.
What are the things you’d like us to improve on? I’d appreciate it if you could post all the Premier League goals.
Do you play football? Yes I do, I play 9, 4, or 2.I play at home, I rarely play in school. 7, 4 or mostly 3 players per team. and without a referee. Some people take it seriously and kill themselves on the field (laughs). 1 goal per set.
Which religion? Muslim.
How often do u pray? I go to mosque every Friday, but I don’t complete my 5 times prayers daily. I have my special prayers.
Anyone you want to give a shout-out to? my mum.
Click here to read the second MOTM interview.
Am speechless
Thank you EmprorA!!!
Can’t compare talent to hardwork?? lol
Nice setup